An Unlikely Story
My Paper Heart Will Bleed
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I like to move it, move it.

Gahhh! Too much things happened for the passed few days. First and for most, I've watched Dear John and it's absolutely B-O-R-I-N-G! I prefer watching the trailer again and again just to make me cry. Secondly, I went to body world and it was superb! I had fun time them. Thirdly, early Saturday morning, I went jogging with Shafiq at Punggol End hopefully I burnt enough calorie. Lastly, I found out that my Uncle passed away, it is saddening to know how he was found dead. I went to wedding right after my uncle's death ceremony and I saw Amir! It been long since I met him, hehehhe.

I received a seriously belated birthday present from Ashiqin which is a LIME GREEN earpiece, I adore the colour!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
LOVE is another word I learnt how to pronounce

Chinese New Year celebration wasnt that interesting but the best part is we only attend school for 2 hours and have a privilege to wear home clothes. After school headed to Burger King to have a munch with the loves one [Nadia, Adil, Shafiq, Harith, Shidah, Sharouk and Juzaidah] We had a mouth full of laughter together. Shafiq is the one who started most of the jokes. The most that cracks us all up is "Kasi aku masuk lah" (inside joke) HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
You rise me up to the sky so high

So basically I went out hunting for Vans shoe with Nadia and Harith. Hangout with everyone being single for today is much much better. No worries nor flaws. Shoes were hard to choose with all those beautiful colours. I hope I'm getting it soon for my own since Nadia finally bought it after eyeing on it for sometimes. Yay no school uniform tomorrow as a half day off and CNY celebration. Hopefully it turns out great with everyone mostly wearing home clothes. I'll try not to look overdress.

Monday, February 15, 2010
Baby,Baby,Baby, Ohhh

Valentines' Day plus Chinese New Year were extremely awesome. It get better when Im with my friends that I love. We went to 3 bbq invitation straight in a day. The last one was awesome. I love the dengdeng. Nadia's cousins are cute and funny. Cycling with Adil was a nightmare for me. What a bloody valentine with SANDAL.

Next, I had a picnic with relatives and family today. I had fun playing 'Monkey' with them. Taking pictures was cool too. Meet many new cousins and they are gorgeous and beautiful looking. Pictures, Picture, do the talking!